Good reporting is a catalyst for internal evaluation and goal-setting and fosters a culture of transparency.
Green Peninsula helps to report back factually on the results of the implementation to the Strategy decision making committee. How have the original Strategy objectives been met through the implementation? What lessons have been learned and what can be taken forward in future objectives? How does this position the company in comparison with its peer group? What has the team learned that can be applied to other parts of the organisation?
Companies often regard moving into clean renewable energy as a bold step, and being clear about the results is important for future planning. Over time, the company’s strategy may shift with, say, the use of more capital, or the opposite. Similarly, discharging initial obligations through trading may over time be replaced by a more robust develop and build plan. By helping our clients’ decision makers get crisp, accurate and timely information we believe we can help you stay ahead of the ever-changing world in which you operate.